Per la trasmissione delle Regulated Information, con decorrenza dal 28.05.2012, la Società ha scelto di avvalersi del circuito SDIR-NIS, gestito da BIt Market Services, società del Gruppo London Stock Exchange, avente sede in P.zza degli Affari n.6, Milano
Press release (16.06.2010) Consob has authorized to publish the rights offering prospectus and to the listing of the KME common and saving shares on the online stock market organized and operated by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. The Board of Directors approves the final terms for the rights offering and share capital increase, subjet to the issuance of the authorizations required pursuant to current laws.
Intek Group S.p.A. - Sede legale: Foro Buonaparte 44, 20121 Milano - Tel. +39 02-806291 / +39 055-44111 - Fax 055 4411681 P.iva 00944061001 - E-Mail: - PEC: